For the longest time since we all discovered the difference between smooth skin and rough skin, we have all been on a quest to have smooth skin. Getting smooth skin, on the other hand, is hard work. I’m saying this because the texture of your skin is influenced by external (skincare products, environment) and internal (health, diet, genes) elements.

Most skincare trends encourage us to explore smoother, more radiant, and youthful-looking skin. In every step of your life comes skin challenges. For example, when you’re in your teenage years, you will fight acne due to stress and hormones, then as you get a bit older, you start to combat skin issues due to sun damage, and the first signs of aging begin to appear.

Even though a regular skin care routine (this will be a later blog) can go a long way in preventing your skin from being rough and textured, there are more factors to skincare that you need to pay keen attention to, to avoid breaking your goals of having clear skin.

What Causes Rough/ Textured Skin?

Before we dive into the steps of getting smooth skin, we should first figure out the cause of that rough skin, which is the first step to improving skin texture (more on this in a future blog). Take a look at the list below to familiarize yourself with some of the most common culprits of rough skin texture.

Pollution, Sun Damage, and Stress

These elements can result in stress and cause damage to your complexion. They can cause skin problems like; sagging skin, wrinkles, age spots, and roughness. People who live in dry areas with low humidity and those who struggle with genetic conditions like ichthyosis, eczema, psoriasis, and keratosis pilaris are more likely to suffer from rough and dry skin.

Ingredients in Your Skincare Products

Some ingredients like denatured alcohol could cause rough and dry skin.

Lack of Sun Protection

UV light never has a good impact on the skin, and it could cause leathery and rough skin.

Stress, Environment, and Diet

They are also significant factors that could cause your skin texture to turn rough.

Drinking and Smoking

They play a role in promoting rough skin.

When it comes to best ways to get smooth skin, we have divided them into three. There are healthy living tips, skin products, and home remedies for smooth skin.

Healthy Living Tips for Smooth Skin

Drinking Lots of Water to Improve Skin Texture

Hydration is backed up by science saying that it improves the skin. Adding lots of water into your diet reduces dryness/roughness. Water also improves your skin’s elasticity leading to smoother skin. Hydration also helps increase dermal thickness, and when your skin becomes thick, it is more adept at dealing with inflammation and appears smoother too.

Exercising for Smooth Skin

Regular exercise improves the skin’s appearance. When you exercise, you improve blood circulation in your body. Since your skin is the outermost layer of the body, it tends to receive few nutrients. But when you have good blood flow in the body, your skin will receive enough blood rich in nutrients and oxygen. Exercising also makes the skin’s outermost layer thinner and thickens the inner layer, the opposite of what aging does to the skin. The more exercise you partake, the better your skin health, and you’ll look youthful.

Sufficient Sleep for Glowing Skin

Stress can affect your body leading to premature skin aging. Just like the rest of your body, your skin repairs itself when you sleep. While sleeping, there is an increase in blood flow and collagen production. Your body also repairs skin damaged by UV light, keeping wrinkles at bay and reducing sunspots.

Eating Foods Rich In Antioxidants

Most skincare problems boil down to inflammation. Inflammation stems from different things that could either be internal or external. Internally, variables like stress, unhealthy diet, and health issues result in skin problems. Externally, physical irritation, UV exposure, pollution, and unbalanced skin microbiome could cause roughness. Foods rich in antioxidants include; fatty fish (salmon), yellow and orange fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables. Adding probiotics to your food helps in treating skin conditions like eczema and acne. It also repairs skin damage caused by UV light.

Protecting Your Skin Against The Sun

UV rays from the sun are dangerous as they can cause damage to skin cells’ DNA, increasing the chances of experiencing premature aging and dryness. Ensure you use sunscreen during the day and limit your time in the sun. Some people assume that winter is exempt from this rule, but it’s not because, during winter, the sun’s UV rays are even harsher as they bounce off the snow to your skin.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption And Quit Smoking

Drinking too much alcohol causes dry skin due to dehydration, hence premature aging. Whether used internally or externally, tobacco exposure causes premature skin aging, leading to wrinkles and higher risks of skin disorders like psoriasis and acne. Tobacco also impairs your skin’s ability to heal itself.

Skin Care Products To Use for Smoothness

Exfoliators Help Smooth and Brighten Your Skin

Mild exfoliation removes dead skin cells leaving your skin looking radiant and smoother. You can exfoliate mechanically or chemically. Chemical exfoliators like AHA promote firmness and improve the appearance of wrinkles. Mechanical exfoliation can include dry brushing. This process includes using a stiff-bristled brush to exfoliate your skin. It is best used on limbs, back, and other non-sensitive body parts. It would be best if you exfoliate after cleansing.

Moisturizers Prevent Premature Fine Lines

A hydrated skin means that the dermis is full of water keeping your skin plump, vibrant, and youthful. Moisturizing also prevents premature fine lines. It would be best if you chose a proper moisturizer (facial oil) for your body and another for your face.

Gentle Cleanser

According to the SA Academy of Dermatology recommendation, you should wash your face with a gentle, alcohol-free cleanser. Cleansing should be part of your daily routine. Ensure you cleanse before bed, in the morning, and after a sweating session. Cleansing removes dirt, sweat, cosmetics, and impurities clogging your pores.

Home Remedies For A Smooth Skin

Essential Oils to Reduce Wrinkles

Oils like Frankincense, Lemon, and Rose help in curbing wrinkles. So, you can add these to your skincare products by diluting them with another carrier oil. Research shows that essential oils protect the skin against free radicals that normally cause skin aging.

Honey for Smooth Skin

Honey is a natural humectant; hence can be used as a natural mask. It can also reduce wrinkles’ appearance on the skin.

Oatmeal Baths

These baths help skin retain moisture.

Coconut Oil for Skin Moisturizing

It is an excellent moisturizer that contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. If your skin is oily or prone to breakouts, limit the use of coconut oil to your body as it’s notorious for clogging pores.

Humidifiers Bring Back Moisture to Your Skin Naturally

You can turn on your humidifier at night to add moisture to the air and prevent your skin from drying out.


Skin is very sensitive, if not the most sensitive part of the body, as it is the one that covers every other part up. Everyone wants to have smooth skin, but no one wants to put in the work. Please take the above remedies and advice on achieving smoother skin and apply them to your daily skincare and diet routines. If you have severe skin problems, you should probably consult a professional before trying anything. 

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